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1. Class Information

At what age can a child start ballet?

All beginners, regardless of age, begin their ballet studies in Grade 1. We believe it's never too late to start ballet and welcome students of all ages!

Can boys take class?

Yes! We encourage and welcome boys to attend our classes and provide scholarships for promising male students. Please visit our BOYS AT GDANCE page for more detailed information.

What skill levels do you cater to?

We offer classes from ages 3 through advanced levels, including pointe work for qualified students. Our structured program ensures proper progression through each level.

2. Registration and Enrollment

How do I register for classes?

Please fill out this enrolment form.

What forms of payment do you accept?

We accept Credit Card only.

How can I contact the studio with additional questions?

Please email

3. Schedule and Timing

Are there classes on public holidays?

No. Classes are not held on public holidays or over the Easter weekend unless by special arrangement.

Why does GDANCE require 2 classes per week for ballet if my child is in Primary or above?

We believe that a strong Classical Ballet foundation is paramount to a dancer's success. To help our students achieve the basic foundations of dance and ensure safe dance practices, we require them to work with our experienced teachers for a minimum of two hours per week.

When does your term begin?

Check the Important Dates page for all term dates.

4. Fees and Payments

Tuition fees

Tuition fees may be found here

Payment schedules

Tuition fees are deducted on the 1st of each month of the year.

Refund Policies

30 days written notice is required for cancellation. Notice must be sent to

Failure to provide 30 days notice will result in a cancellation fee equal to one month's tuition at the same rate as the previous month’s fee. No refunds or pro-rata adjustments for missed classes or cancellations.

5. Attendance, Make-Up Classes, and Dress Code

Why is the GDANCE Studio Jacket and dance uniform compulsory?

When our students are dressed in our regulation uniform, they feel part of the bigger GDANCE community, which helps bring our students, families, and faculty together with a strong sense of belonging. Part of our dance and performing arts training is teaching our students about correct grooming and preparation, a necessary skill in our industry and in life. Wearing the required GDANCE Studio Uniform ensures the academy is well represented by its students and ensures adherence to our safe dance practice policy.

If my child's MDM shoes and tights haven't arrived in time for their first class, should we wait to start?

No. Please have as much of the uniform ready as possible for your first class. It is a good idea to bring a pair of socks to class that your child can dance in until the correct shoes arrive. We also sell tights at GDANCE reception.

Is there a second-hand clothing pool?

Yes! Once you have enrolled at the academy, you can join the GDANCE Second Hand Dancewear and Costumes on Facebook and pick up some used dancewear items at a reduced price.

Do parents watch the classes?

Parents do not stay in the dance studio while classes are being conducted. This is to ensure students can maintain their focus on the teacher and class content, enabling them to get the most out of their dance tuition.

6. Recitals and Performances

Annual performances

Competition opportunities

Costume requirements and fees

7. Instructor and Staff Information

Teacher qualifications

Teaching experience

Background checks

Teaching Philosophy

8. Facility and Amenities

Studio facilities

Waiting areas

Changing rooms


9. Trial Classes and Assessments

Trial class availability

Assessment process

Class observation policy

New student placement

Contact Us

For any additional questions or information, please contact us at: