Hear from Our GDANCE Community
“Becoming part of the GDANCE family has been a highly positive experience. It has greatly enhanced our appreciation of the artistic, and technical aspects of ballet and dance. The healthy involvement and participation in dance at any level is actively encouraged and there is a sense of dedication and focus given to each dancer in reaching their full potential.” - Samantha
“Congratulations to everyone at GDANCE Academy for a fantastic performance! My daughter and I were guests last night and were very impressed with all the beautiful young talents you've got there. They are definitely a treasure! I feel so proud from just watching them enjoying what they do best. Well done! We look forward to more wonderful performances in future. Simply brilliant! Thank you.” - Rebecca
“We joined GDANCE Academy in 2010. My daughter had been insisting that she wanted to do ballet, so I decided to find a dance school. She had been walking pigeon toed and a physiotherapist suggested that I put her in ballet, as the stretching and ballet positions would help her lengthen and strengthen the muscles in her legs and feet. When she started, I thought we'd try it for a year and see how we go, but we haven't looked back! She loves it and now does ballet and Jazz, loves learning dances and making friends with other children at GDA and says that the end of year concert is the best fun of all!” - Averil
“Wow, wow, wow GDANCE!!! You never cease to amaze me! The concert was spectacular and so professional. It just gets better and better every year. We are honoured to be a part of your dance community.” - Anna
“We came to GDANCE Academy because we really believed in the values you espouse and because you focus not only on developing good dancers but good people. I do see your older girls and admire how they conduct themselves.” - Joelle
“I love that we have finally found a ballet school with friendly and helpful teachers!” - Kate
“I appreciate the standards you set at GDANCE. The routines and music are always tasteful and age appropriate. Thank you for looking out for our young girls.”
- Melissa